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Support model

Ensure that the implementation of your digital trust use case is well supported. Launch Miro activity →

Activity overview

🕛 Time: 60+ minutes
🙌 Casting: Project team
🔨 Tool: Miro + Word

Use for: Building a support framework
When: Before the pilot is launched
With: Everyone involved in the project

Activity guide

Having a support model and support plan in place when building technological solutions is crucial for multiple reasons:

  • Issue resolution: Technical issues and bugs are identified and resolved quickly, minimizing downtime.

  • User satisfaction: Reliable support helps maintain user satisfaction, which is crucial when trying to generate buy-in in the pilot stage.

  • UX refinement: Support requests can help identify pain points and provide insights on improvements toward the user experience.

  • Cost management: Being able to detect and prevent small issues from escalating to larger problems saves cost.

  • Scalability: A well-structured support plan can scale with a growing number of users and ensure consistent service quality.

This workshop template enables you to collaboratively identify support needs and develop a corresponding support model and plan for your use case.

What’s it for:

Building a support framework that meets the needs of users.

What you’ll get:

An overview of support needs for the use case, a visualization of your support model and a support plan draft.

When to do it:

In the Trial phase, before the pilot is launched.

How it works

Before you start this activity

  • Identify relevant meeting participants
  • Schedule a session
  1. Review the template: Explore the Miro board's structure and layout. Does the structure of the sections align with your needs.

  2. Adjust to meet your needs: Adjust the workshop agenda and activities as needed to get the most out of the workshop.

  3. Facilitate workshop: Use the board as a guide to achieve the workshop objectives.

Next steps:

  • Review and refine your support model visualization and support model plan with your organization and collaborators